Thursday, December 22, 2011

Natural ways to increase breast milk supply

I have stated this before- I am a very avid breastfeeding supporter.  Breastfeeding hasn't necessarily always been easy for me, but when I think of all the benefits, it is definitely worth it.  There are many people that have struggles making and/or producing enough milk.  These are methods that can help your body do so more efficiently. 

Starting with the simple things, that we all know we need to do- just specifying.
  • Water - Breastfeeding women need to drink 3.0 liters, or about 13 cups per day.  When you are low on milk supply, making sure you are drinking enough could help a lot.  The best thing to do is always have water nearby and drink it whenever you are thirsty.  Listening to our bodies cues can be the most beneficial.
  • Calories - on average, a breastfeeding mom needs to consume about 1800-2200 calories per day (sometimes more).  Again- it is very important to listen to your bodies cues and eat whenever you feel hungry.
  •  Fenugreek - seed capsules, tinctures and teas can be purchased in many health food stores and online. You can also buy empty gelatin capsules and buy bulk fenugreek seed powder to make your own capsules.  Fenugreek seeds contain hormone precursors that increase milk supply. 
  • Blessed Thistle - can be consumed, powdered, in capsule form found at your local health foods store. The leaves, stems and flowers of blessed thistle can also be stewed in hot water to produce an aromatic tea that provides both extra fluids and the herb's lactation-enhancing properties.  
  • Make sure you are not over working yourself and make sure you are getting enough sleep.  Both can be VITAL in the production of breast milk.
  • Rescue Remedy - (I swear by this for numerous things.)  This is a homeopathic remedy that is useful for triggering the letdown reflex. You take four drops under the tongue up to five minutes before pumping or nursing. Rescue Remedy can have a slight sedative effect, so use with caution.  
  • Mother’s Milk Tea -This tea is a very mild galactagogue containing fenugreek.  Some women find that drinking several cups a day is all that is needed of fenugreek to boost their supply.  An easy way to drink it is to brew a few cups very strong and cool it.  It can be drunk either iced straight or mixed half and half with apple juice. 
Nursing is so worth all the hard work and very beneficial for you and your children.  If you are wanting to nurse, stick with it and try everything you can before you give up.  Good luck!

    1 comment:

    1. Excellent information. Thanks so much for the great insight and important info about this subject. I believe that nursing is the only way to start a child's first 2 years of life. Thanks!
